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Taking Care of Dads: Men's Health & More!
Now that Father's Day 2009 has passed, make yourself... A 'Preventive Health & Wellness Pledge' that over the next couple of weeks you will:
Increase physical activity / lose weight if overweight
Stop smoking / limit alcohol
Get screened for elevated sugar, cholesterol levels
Taking Care of Dads: Men's Health & More!
FIRST read through this newsletter
NEXT get personalized guidance from the well trained dietitians of
Recipe Of The Week
Heart Warming Cutlets
No. of calories per serv: 126
No. of servings in this recipe: 8

This basic recipe has:
 • Low Sugar
 • Low Carbohydrates
 • High Fiber
 • High Zinc

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Nutrient Of The Week - ZINC
Best food sources - whole grains, mushrooms, spinach, basil, thyme, pumpkin seeds, yeast in breads, beef, lamb, peanuts, shrimp, broccoli, peas, yogurt, sunflower seeds & sesame seeds.
Nutrient Of The Week -  ZINC
Top 10 Foods At A Glance...
Certain foods have been tagged as aphrodisiacs; Banana, Asparagus, Chocolates, Avocados, Pine nuts, Oysters & Strawberries are proven healthy and contain nutrients like Zinc, Bromelain, Vitamin E, and Folate...
3 Steps to Weight Loss
& Better Health.
1. Evaluate current health status
2. Maintain food and exercise diary
3. Appraise your health risks
Articles This Week
Healthy Eating! Where are the men in this picture?
Are diet & nutrition only for women?
Male Menopause
Men and menopause? Impossible! No, it's true!
Erectile Dysfunction - Can Foods Really Cure?
Did you know that Erectile Dysfunction (ED) can affect
Lung & Oral Cancer: Prevention Through Nutrition Is Key.
Did you know that increased consumption...
The Forgotten Nutrition Tool
Alcohol Calories Do Count.
Calculate Your Alcohol Calories Now...
Alcohol Calories Do Count.
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