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E-mails, cell phones, Twitter & Facebook, have made us susceptible to a syndrome called “I have no time to eat healthy”.
Technology has encouraged social connectivity but this enabling has inadvertently resulted in poor health. Exhaustive travel, long hours, lack of sleep, eating on the run, eating fast foods/ junk foods, overeating, inadequate exercise are making the business traveler sick.
This newsletter is a basic guide for the business traveler who is seeking simple solutions to not just prevent the onset of chronic diseases, but also to lead a healthier lifestyle
• What does a serving look like?
• Salads 101
• My cholesterol is high & I am scared!
• Managing Time & Scheduling
• How many calories should I consume daily
Recipe Of The Week
No. of calories per serv: 135
No. of servings in this recipe: 24

This basic recipe has:
 • Low Salt
 • High Fiber
 • Low Cholesterol
 • Low Fat

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Nutrient Of The Week - HDL & LDL CHOLESTEROL
Best food sources - of HDL good cholesterol
Nutrient Of The Week -  CHOLESTEROL
Top 10 Foods At A Glance...
Life offers two simple choices:
Take drugs and supplements to stay healthy OR Make these following 10+2 foods a staple and foundation of your daily diet to live healthier.
3 Steps to Weight Loss
& Better Health.
1. Evaluate current health status
2. Maintain food and exercise diary
3. Appraise your health risks
Articles This Week
Eating Healthy When On A Business Trip
A few tips for when you're on the road
Should I or shouldn’t I drink those heavenly cups of caffeine?
Are my daily cups of tea and coffees really good for my health?
7 Tips to a Healthier You
There are 1440 minutes in a regular day, schedule 30 of them for any physical activity
Milk And Weight Loss- A Slimmer's Breakthrough, Or Not?
Breakfast - The Intelligent Meal
The Forgotten Nutrition Tool
Alcohol Calories Do Count.
Calculate Your Alcohol Calories Now...
Alcohol Calories Do Count.
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This site complies to the HONcode standard for trustworthy healthThis site complies to the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information:
verify here. team of nutritionists is trained to provide guidance based on best accepted clinical practices for weight loss and chronic disease management. is the most comprehensive preventive health portal that is disease specific, reliable and accredited by the Health on Net Foundation. With you can find simple diet strategies that are customized to your health needs, personal likes and dislikes, cultural preferences and are easy to follow.

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