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India's Future: Women's Wellness
‘WHAT ABOUT ME’ - 7 tips to forward to all the women you know
1. Consume diet adequate in vitamins, minerals, protein & low in saturated fats.
2. Do not skip meals
3. Be physically active and fit
4. Get adequate sleep
5. Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily
6. Get screened for high blood pressure, blood cholesterol, abnormal blood sugar, anemia and thyroid problems
7. Get a yearly pap smear & do regular self breast examinations.
India's Future: Women's Wellness
Recipe Of The Week
Baked Spinach Casserole
Baked Spinach Casserole
No. of calories per serv: 211
No. of servings in this recipe: 6

This basic recipe has:
 • Low Sugar
 • Low Cholesterol
 • High Fiber
 • High Calcium

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Nutrient Of The Week - Iron
Best food sources - whole grains, mushrooms, spinach, basil, thyme, pumpkin seeds, yeast in breads, beef, lamb, peanuts, shrimp, broccoli, peas, yogurt, sunflower seeds & sesame seeds.
Nutrient Of The Week -  Iron
Top 10 Foods At A Glance...
Lentils, dried beans, leafy greens, whole grains, dried fruits, beets, shell fish, lean meats, poultry, liver and eggs.
3 Steps to Weight Loss
& Better Health.
1. Evaluate current health status
2. Maintain food and exercise diary
3. Appraise your health risks
Articles This Week
Love Handles... Can Your Heart ‘Handle’ Them?
Did you know that even if your weight lies in the normal range...
Young? You're Still At Risk From Breast Cancer
It was out of the blue that Kamala Krishnan noticed a lump on her right breast
For Women On The Run
Once upon a time women led simpler lives
FIGS, The Bone Density Promoter
Did you know that FIGS, are a fruit source of calcium
Nutrition Tools
Daily Exercise Calculator
Nutrition & Activity Quiz
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Alcohol Calorie Calculator
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