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Focus: Cancer Symptoms In Men - Role of Nutrition

Symptoms at a glance - Are you at risk?

It is the fear of the unknown that makes men avoid going to a doctor, even when their gut and body tells them something is wrong. This is a problem as annual preventive testing can find several cancers in men or even other diseases like diabetes in the early stages, when there are more options for treatment and better chances of a cure. Some of the following signs could be early warning symptoms of a developing cancer. Please get tested!

  • Pain or difficulty in urinating - it may be a sign of prostate cancer
  • Testicular lumps may be a sign of testicular cancer
  • Pelvic pain may indicate prostate & testicular cancer
  • Sore lesion or growth on penis - penile cancers
  • Frequent stomach upsets or bowel habits- colon cancers
  • Breast changes (breast cancer – Yes! It can strike men too!)
  • Coughing, wheezing or shortness of breath (may be a sign of lung cancer)
  • Fatigue is a general symptom of all cancers. Any fatigue that comes in the way of day to day activity should be reported to the doctor.
Cancer Symptoms In Men - Role of Nutrition
Cancer Symptoms In Men - Role of Nutrition
Recipe Of The Week
Bulgur Pilaf with Mushrooms
Recipe Of The Week - Bulgur Pilaf with Mushrooms
No. of calories per serv: 321
No. of servings in this recipe: 2

This recipe has:
 • Low cholesterol
 • Low fat
 • High fiber

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