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2010 The campaign slogan is: "Let's take control of diabetes. Now."
This slogan was selected by the International Diabetes Federation and the World Health Organization for World Diabetes Day 2009-2013.

For those at high risk of developing diabetes, the focus will be on raising your awareness of developing diabetes and providing you with simple assessment tools for preventing diabetes.

For people who are already living with Type 2 diabetes, attention must be placed on providing the proper nutrition tools and guidance to improve knowledge of diabetes, its symptoms, dietary changes, treatment and learning to prevent complications.

Take the first step - Ask yourself - ARE YOU AT RISK?

Recipe Of The Week
Heart Warming, Apple Cinnamon Crumble
Recipe Of The Week - Heart Warming, Apple Cinnamon Crumble
No. of calories per serv: 98
No. of servings in this recipe: 16
This recipe has:
 • Low Salt
 • Low Fat
 • Low Cholesterol

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Top 10 Foods At A Glance...
For Weight Loss
Top 10 Foods At A Glance... For Weight Loss
Nutrition Therapy for Managing Diabetes
Nutrition Therapy for Managing Diabetes
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Nutrition Buzz
HbA1c - Should I Get Tested?
Gestational Diabetes - Risks, Causes, Prevention!
ABC's Of Diabetes - The Basic Rules of Nutrition Therapy For Managing Diabetes.
Metabolic Syndrome - The Clear Indicator of Future Health Problems
The term metabolic syndrome refers to the concept of clustering risk factors that lead to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and other chronic illnesses.
Our dietitians at NutritionVista can help you manage your diabetes through diabetes nutrition counseling online by planning and tracking your daily food intake, physical activity and blood glucose levels.
6 months - 1 year programs
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This site complies to the HONcode standard for trustworthy healthThis site complies to the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information:
verify here. is the most comprehensive preventive health portal that is disease specific, reliable and accredited by the Health on Net Foundation. With NutritionVista you can find simple diet strategies that are customized to your health needs, personal likes and dislikes, cultural preferences and easy to follow.

The team of nutritionists is trained to provide guidance based on best accepted clinical practices.

Let us show you how to better manage your health.

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