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Dear Mrs. Shanmugaraj,
What has more nutrition, coconut water or the white part of the coconut. I like the white part better.
Also, could you please tell me why some people are not allowed to eat the white part.
Thank you,
Hello Raman,

Good to hear from you again. Well, kiddo, during the hot summer months coconut water is definitely better for you as it will keep you "hydrated." Did
you get a chance to look up the meaning for this one?

Coconut water is also lower in calories & saturated fats, which are the 'villianous' fats that could later in your adult life harm your heart.

The white part surprisingly has much more of these bad fats and that's why some grown-ups who have damaged hearts are not allowed to eat it.

A word of caution from me is don't make it a habit to have the coconut
water everyday!! You can have one glassful, say....twice or thrice a week.

Which other fruit juices do you like?

Till the next time, take care & have fun!!


Ms.Padmashri Shanmugaraj