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Dear Dr. Masheshwari,
What two things can damage my heart?
What are two things I can do to help my heart?
Thank you,
Dear Raman,

The good news is that if you take care of your heart it can tick away for a
long time!

The two things that can start damaging it at your age though are:
1. Fatty foods and 2. No exercise.

1)Foods that have a lot of oil / ghee, i.e. fat (yum, they taste good but the
effects are not so good!) can slowly block the pipes carrying blood to your
heart muscle. So start by eating more fruits, vegetables and less oily fried
food so you can protect your heart forever.

2) Exercise i.e. playing a sport / running, etc, has been shown to help your
heart pump better. Couch potatoes (ask your dad what that means!) have a higher risk of heart problems. So take your ball or racket out today and start playing outside so you can help your heart stay strong.

Dr. Maheshwari