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Kindly advise nutritious diet for my 12 year old daughter who wants to have healthy and strong bones.
Mr. Arun
Dear Mr.Arun,

Thankyou for trusting NutritionVista with your daughter's nutritional needs.

It is a strongly proven scientific fact that if appropriate dietary
approaches are taken right from the early years, one can develop strong &
healthy bones, which will last a lifetime.

We recommend the following nutritional tips to achieve the recommended
600 mgs (Recommended by National Institute Of Nutrition, India) of Calcium
per day:

1. Drink 2 glasses of low-fat milk per day; You can substitute one of
these glasses with 1 cup of low-fat yogurt, Or 7-8 pcs of home-made
cottage cheese (Paneer), Or 2 slices of low-fat or fat-free cheese.

2. Some other high-calcium foods include broccoli, spinach, almonds, beans
like rajmah & kabuli chana, corn tortillas etc. One of these should be
included in your child's diet at least twice a week.

3. Ensure that your daughter gets exposed to the early morning
or 'just-before sunset' sun-rays so that she can produce enough Vitamin D,
which also aids in developing strong bones & teeth.

4. Encourage her to indulge in some form of physical activities like
playing outdoor games, taking part in sports, etc, to strengthen her bones

I hope the information provided to you is useful. Please revert, in case
you have any further queries.


Padmashri Shanmugaraj
Online dietician