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Dear Mrs. Shanmugaraj,
I do not like green vegetables, please give me some substitutions.
Thank you,
Dear Navahmaleeka,

Thank you for writing to NutritionVista. you don't like green veggies, is it? But, did you know that green vegetables like spinach & radish leaves are filled with Carotene which can help your eyes sparkle?? If you eat these regularly, you may never have to wear spectacles.

I am sure you want to grow up to be a tall & beautiful girl like Aishwarya
Rai, or Sushmita Sen, or Simran, may be? Well, green vegetables can help you
become taller & stronger because they have lots of calcium to make your
bones stronger.

Ask mom to cook a variety of green vegetables so that you get a whole lot
of nutrients from them. You can have them as soups, baked dishes and as
crunchy snacks [especially lettuce].

Next time, mom goes shopping, why don't you go with her and pick your choice of green vegetable and have her cook them for your lunch the next day. I am sure your mom will be proud of you if you learn to eat healthy!!



Padmashri Shanmugaraj
Online dietician