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Dear Mrs. Shanmugaraj,
I keep on puking during 3 hr or more journeys unless I take Avomine. This does not happen to any of my family members. Can you help me prevent this nausea? Can you also suggest healthy food with oil?

Age 12
Arunachal Pradesh
Hello Twinkle,
How are you today? feel nauseous (puky) when you travel, is it?
This is called 'motion sickness' and is pretty common not only among kids, but grown-ups too.

You can try the following tips to prevent it from happening:

1. Avoid greasy, salty, and spicy foods, as well as dairy at least 2 hours before you begin the car journey.

2. If you are traveling by a car or a bus, sit in the front seat and look at the distant scenery.

3. Do not read while traveling.

4. You can pop a ginger candy and see if it helps.

Unfortunately, if all of these don't help, you might just have to take Avomine, as prescribed by your doctor. Ask him if you can take half or a quarter of the regular dose. Sometimes taking a smaller dose is just enough to remove the motion sickness and also prevent you from feeling too sleepy. The good news is that chances are you will outgrow motion sickness as you grow older, a lot of kids do.

Now, coming to the second part of your question.....foods that are not
greasy or deep-fried are good options for a young girl like you. Eating
oily foods can make your skin look oily and cause pimples to appear. They
also make you more prone to heart diseases & diabetes in the future.

Having said that, your body does need some basic amounts of
fats & oils, too. You can get healthy fats from walnuts, fish, almonds,
flax seeds etc which will make you brighter & smarter. But all these must be had in the appropriate amounts. Your mom can cook your foods in Canola, or safflower oil, and make your salads with olive oil.

Till the next time, stay healthy.
Padmashri Shanmugaraj