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Hi Mrs. Shanmugaraj,
I am 14+ and I am very thin. Plz tell me some nutritious food that will help me put on some weight.

Thank you,
Uttar Pradesh
Hello Pallavi,

Thanks for writing in to NutritionVista with your weight concerns.

Being 'thin' is a subjective term, Pallavi.

Let me first tell you that the ideal weight for an Indian girl of your age lies in the range 48- 52 Kg. So, if you weigh in this range but think that you look slimmer than your friends, then I would recommend you don't worry.

However, if you weigh less than this, then following are some tips that
will help you gain 'healthy' weight. (Remember that weight gain should
come from increase in your muscle mass & not from increase in your fat
mass. So, eating a good quality diet high in calories & protein is

1. Begin your day with a 'balanced' breakfast. It should include whole
grains (Whole grain bread, oats, cornflakes,whole wheat chapathis etc), a
good quality protein (coming from sprouted pulse preparations, dals like
rajmah, chana or from non-veg sources like eggs), a dairy product (like
low-fat milk) & a fruit.

2. Include a good amount (at least 1 bowl) of dal or a sprouted lentil
preparation in your lunch as well as dinner. (If you are a non-vegetarian,
this can be substituted by 1 cup of chicken or fish curry)

3. If you are a regular chapathi-eater, you can ask your mom to add soy
flour to the wheat flour & then knead the dough.

4. Indulge in healthy snacking. Include good proteins in the form roasted
chana, soy nuggets or sprouts bhel.

5. Make sure you include a cup of low-fat yogurt in both your meals.

6. Be careful not to splurge in high-fat foods like fries & junk foods
just because you are lean. They are not healthy!

7. Give yourself 30-45 minutes of physical activity (play games or indulge
in some sport) in order to work up your appetite.

Have a happy weight-gain.

Till the next time.....Byeeee


Padmashri Shanmugaraj