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Dear Dr. Maheshwari,
How do you get heart attacks?
Can children get heart attacks too.
Thank you,
Dear Raman,
Heart attack, fortunately for you kids, is mostly something that happens to grown ups i.e adults. It is a narrowing of the tubes that carry blood to the heart muscle. Once these tubes get blocked the heart muscle does not get enough oxygen and blood and this is called a heart attack.

There are several reasons for this to occur including not exercising enough, too much fat and oil in the food, smoking and obesity i.e. These are things in ones control. However, there are some reasons that are not under one’s control i.e. a family history or a heart attack occurring for no real reason. The only thing we can do is to try and control what is under our control i.e. avoid smoking, fatty food, obesity and to exercise often.

So eat healthy, and get plenty of exercise by participating in sports. It is good for your little heart both now and when you are all grown up.
Dr. Sunita Maheshwari