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Hi Mrs. Iyengar,
I am 14 years old, 5 feet 2 inch tall and weigh 50 kg. I like eating fast foods, chips etc which are oily. I just want to be 40 kg. I am ready to do any exercise you recommend for daily 1 hour. Please also suggest to me what I should have for breakfast, lunch and dinner. My cousins are all thin and so please help me.
Thank you,
Hello Reshma.

I am sure you must be working really hard trying to achieve your “set” target body weight of 40 kg. But Reshma, this is not only unreasonable but would also make you look undernourished. Let me tell you that for your age you already have a good height (157 cm or 5 ft 2 inches) and if it’s in the genes you could still grow taller. Remember one thing, It’s just not the height but also corresponding body weight that is very important to make you look good and healthy. So try to maintain your body weight accordingly (body weight = Ht - 105) as weighing too less or too much could lead to serious complications as you grow older. I trust by now you would have understood my point and you don't really want to lose healthy weight just to weigh 40 kg.

I suggest you should focus on being healthy and not just trying to look thin. Go out and make your own health statement by just being yourself and work on maintaining it.

Here are some things you can do to your diet:
• Limit the consumption of junk foods (deep fried foods, fast foods & bakery foods) on a regular basis. Once in a while is ok, but still pick healthier items.
• Include whole grains for all three main meals (breakfast, lunch & dinner) like whole wheat rotis, whole wheat/ 7 grain bread, oats, muesli & ragi
• Get adequate proteins (dals/ fish/ chicken/ eggs/ nuts/ milk & milk products) from each meal. Don't overeat.
• Drink plenty of water -at least 3 litres/ day
• Eat at least 2 to 3 fruits/ day - variety is important.
• Make veggies your best friend
• Limit sugars, sweets & fats and avoid those colas
• Brisk walking for 30 minutes every day is a must

I am sure you would really do well if you follow the above schedule; you don’t have to go through any kind of stringent diet plan and lastly don’t lose that smile on your face, believe me it adds value to your life!!

Warm Regards
Mrs. Iyengar,