E-mail a testimonial to your dietitian today.
Lakshmi Ganeshan
I have been struggling with my weight for many years. Despite regular gymming /swimming and frequent walks, my weight would just yo-yo and never really go down.
The consultant Ms Kanchan Saggi was highly professional and thorough, asked all the right questions, and prepared a very nice summary for me on her PC of dos and dont's, all of which are practical and easy to implement. The best part of her diet is that I dont really have to eat "new" stuff, but just tweak what I am already eating to fit into a more regular pattern. This way, I dont feel I am starving or actually dieting which I feel is wonderful when you have poor diet control. I managed to lose almost 5% of my body fat and about the same number of kilos in a span of 2-3 months. Thought I still have about 6-8 kilos to lose, am sure I will be able to do it with the help of my dietitian. Whenever I lose track, I ping her and she gets me back to the correct path.
I highly recommend NutritionVista for everyone with a weight problem.

Juliet Samuel

Dr. Arjun Kalyanpur
Chief Radiologist, Teleradiology Solutions
I have been struggling with my weight for many years. Despite regular gymming and frequent walks, nothing seemed to help. I still had a double chin and a spare tire. A visit to the nutrition consultant at Nutrition Vista has transformed my body, and my life.
The consultant was highly professional and thorough, asked all the right questions, and prepared a very nice summary for me on her PC of dos and dont's, all of which are practical and easy to implement. The advice is scientific and helps you think about the eating process, something I realized I had never really done before. And it is easy to follow the recommendations even when traveling or on vacation, situations where ones diet is most likely to falter.
Today I am happy looking at myself in the mirror and its nice to be complimented on my new and fit look. More important, I feel great!
I highly recommend Nutrition Vista for everyone with a weight problem.

Suresh Padmanabhan
It was quite embarrassing for me when I was weighting 88 kg with hip 36inches 4 months ago and it was a colleague who inspired me to lose some weight. I know the fact that if I do work out, I would reduce my weight over a period time. But my focus is not only to reduce weight but also to maintain a good metabolism rate. When I googled in the month of April, I came to know about Nutrition vista, I didn't believe that NutritionVista would change things in my life. But still I registered and assessed myself; I was shocked to see my BMI and weight were beyond the accepted metrics.
Then I had discussions with my wonderful nutritionist Padmashri at Nutritionvista and she gave me a sensible diet plan that I started implementing from 2nd week of April. To start up with this diet, I was not able to control my hunger but still I told myself that I needed to shed this weight. For almost a month there wasn’t much difference but by the 3rd week of May I had lost almost 5 kg. I was very happy though I want to further reduce to an ideal body weight of 78 kg. My work outs are also a major reason for my weight reduction, it was high intensity work out everyday for 2 hrs with Cardio and weight lifting.
Today, I weigh 78.3 and my hip size is 32. I cannot believe myself when I see my image in the mirror. I lost almost 10 kg in 4 months, and so I have recommended my friends for this group. Everyone at work has been surprised with my progress and my wife commented that I look much younger now. The good thing with these Nutritionvista is that they have online chat system, which is what pretty much impressed me and when ever I have any questions, I just ping them and they revert back instantly.
Thanks to Nutritionvista and kudos to Padmashri. If you guys are not there I am not sure whether my success ratio would be higher like this.

Ms. Saroj Umesh Suvarna
I stumbled upon this site when I was trying hard to shed my post pregnancy weight. I put into practice an exercise routine which I followed dedicatedly but I rea lize the results weren’t as promising. I knew I needed to monitor my food intake but dieting was not my cup of tea. This website came as a blessing for me because I learned that dieting didn’t mean reduced eating but sensible eating.
The best feature here is the way I could track the amount of calories I needed to consume. This feature taught me to opt for a meal with a better nutritional quality.
The articles that are regularly posted are an eye-opener on many issues. I learned some really healthy recipes from your recipes section.
I would like to thank your online dietitians who guided me through my weight loss process.
For the team behind this wonderful website all I can say is keep it going. Cheers!

I have been using NutritionVista since the past two months and started achieving the results fairly quickly. The online tools offered are very easy to use and enables users to keep a track of the calorie intake effectively. After using NutritionVista I have a positive and healthy attitude towards food and eating habits. I would like to thank the entire team of NutritionVista, especially my dietitian Padmashri Shanmugaraj for her patience and her efforts to educate me about a well balanced diet. My BMI and WHR returned to normal.

Mr. Jagdish Nair
I feel fortunate to have wandered on to NutritionVista portal few weeks back. I now consider it my bible of healthy living and I have been recommending it to many of my friends who are also considering getting back in to shape. I have been really keen on trying out the wonderful recipes at NutritionVista Portal. For the first time I found an Indian Portal which has so much information on health & recipes which are more Indian specific along with the calorie details about each recipe.It is so wonderful that their team are always there to reply to all our queries. I would like to wish NutritionVista all the very best in all their endeavors and I would like to thank them for being very helpful for people like me who need guidance towards a healthy lifestyle.

David Morales
New York
My wife and I tried several of the recipes and we find them to be nutritious and delicious. We have recommended the site to our friends and family members. My daughter-in-law loves the site and has been using it for weight management. I would like to thank NutritionVista for the good work that they are doing.

Tony Charan
Hi Dr.Jhangiani, Your website is very helpful and informative. Please keep up the good work. I am still doing my two miles walk mondays to fridays and four miles saturdays and sundays for the exception when it rains. Thank You!

32yr/ software professional
First I would like to express my deepest thanks and gratitude to NutritionVista, & Ms. Kanchan Saggi, Dietitian for her continuous efforts in bringing the importance of a healthy & a balanced diet to my attention. Until then, I always thought that fighting the bulges would be an undying battle of my life with no gains.
Four to 5 months ago, I was physically and mentally in shambles. I was suffering from high cholesterol levels, was overweight, low self esteem and totally lethargic. I had visited NutritionVista as a walk in client, just to try my luck and now I see the outcome has just been overwhelming in terms of my overall health.
With the knowledge I have gained through the website, I now possess good health and clarity of thought that I haven’t enjoyed in quite a long time. I have learnt how to make my diet nutritionally adequate and also control my caloric requirements for the day using their website tools; it’s userfriendly, and very informative. I owe this to the simplicity of a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet.
The basic understanding of how I can enjoy my life with just couple of modifications and alterations gave me all the encouragement and motivation to pursue my diet programme. Today Iam so very pleased withy my blood reports to see all of it is just under control, have also been able to loose 41/2 inches around my waist and 5 kg of body weight, It was just not about my personal appearance but my overall health that was set right by NutritionVista. What else can one look forward to?
The diet approaches and method are very practical and result oriented, It was very well customized for my needs and the most important thing of all is the understanding the importance of fruits and vegetables in the diet, which was not very adequate earlier, even though I am a vegetarian..
I am still very keen about following my diet and exercise pattern and feel more than delighted to embrace my new healthy lifestyle.
Jan 15th 2008 Wt – 79kg July 7th 2008 Wt – 74kg

Estella Benton
New York
I have been on the program for the last three to four months. I think I am more aware of foods that I can eat. I have learned of foods I should eat less frequently, especially in view of my chronic heartburn. This has helped me a lot. At the same time, my diet has become more wholesome.

Evelyn Leftridge
New York
I am eating right and I have been instructed on an exercise regimen that fits my time schedule. I do not feel pressured. I am losing weight the sensible way and in no way do I feel deprived of any foods. I have added salmon to my diet, oat bran at breakfast and learned to peel away the skin from my chicken to reduce fat intake. I am going to continue on as there is so much you learn from each visit. I have even recommended the program to a few of my friends.

Mr. Anand
I have lost 6 kgs in 1.5 months. I feel energetic & fresh after following the diet prescribed by the NV dieticians. Not only do I look & feel lighter, my skin also looks healthy [Thanks to the article on 'Antiaging' on the NV site]. I have shifted to a healthy lifestyle & adopted a regular exercise routine after going through informative articles in the site. I am thoroughly enjoying this healthy phase of my life!!"

Dr. Sravan
24 years, Andhra Pradesh
I wish to thank the NutritionVista team for their guidance. I benefited a lot from their health-care services. The team truly has a lot of expertise in dietary management services. I am trying to adhere to the diet & exercise schedule prescribed.