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Q1 What are the steps to submitting my essay?

Go to Contest Registration

Complete Part A.
Submit it.
Receive confirmation e-mail with your child’s unique ID, and a link to upload the essay to Part B.
Upload the essay to Part B and receive a confirmation message on successfully submitting the essay.
Save your ID.
If your child’s essay moves to the next round, YOU WILL be contacted by all means.
A teacher will question your child for verification.
If all is approved by the moderator as having been fair, you will be notified by 10th August, 2008.
Q2 What is the judging process?
A2 The essay contest is anonymous in the interests of fairness. The teachers, moderator, panelists do not know the personal details of any entry, e.g. the name, city of residence, school, even region of the child. They only see the ID, the age of the child and what class he/ she is in at the time of this contest.

Please be advised of the following- Any essay deemed by the examiners as having been written by an adult will be disqualified.

This contest has been launched to create an awareness of Nutrition, AND also encourage the child to take responsibility and pride for their own work. Please help your child by guiding them, letting them talk to their doctor or teachers, and using our links for facts. BUT, they must not plagiarize or copy and paste from the resource sites. The essay must be written in the child’s words and by the child.
  The judging criteria are as follows:

Introduction (Impact & Grammar)

Body (Idea development, vocabulary, sources, argument, paragraphing).
Conclusion (Organization, facts, overall impression)
Q3 Who is judging, the panelists, or someone else?

In the first round, the essays are being judged by English teachers from across India’s premier schools.

160 of these top scorers make it to the second round and are then judged by the moderator and senior teachers.
In the final round the top 40 essays from across India are finally judged by our esteemed panelists. They select 1 winner per each age group per region, totaling 8 regional winners. From among these 8 winners 2 grand prize winners are selected.
Q4 What region do I fall under?
A4 The four regional cities are New Delhi (North), Mumbai (West), Calcutta (East), Bangalore (South).
Please select the region you consider yourself closest to.
Q5 How will I know if I have been selected?
A5 We have your child’s information from your PART A submission form. We will make all attempts to contact the parents of all selected essays telephonically or by e-mail. The top 40 essays will be uploaded to the updates page.
Q6 What are grounds for disqualification?


Essay written by a parent, tutor, and teacher
Fraudulent submission due to incorrect facts being entered in Form “ PART – A”
Q7 How do I know that the contest is fair?

We have pledged to do everything humanly possible to be fair, hence the children’s identities; regional school and city information is encrypted and is not known to either the examiners, moderator or even the panelists.

Every essay is judged on the same criteria as listed in query #2.
The selected essay writing children will be quizzed to ensure they are the authors of the essay they have submitted.
The decision of the judges, moderator and panelists is final.
Q8 I had trouble submitting PART A
A8 We’re sorry you had a problem submitting your child’s PART A form. Please try refreshing your page, closing and restarting your browser, or see if any of the required fields are missing or incorrect.
If you are still having a problem after trying all these above routes, only then send a support request to
Q9 I have submitted PART A, but I haven’t received any confirmation e-mail.
A9 Please check your spam, junk mail folder incase you have a strong filter which has moved the mail from to your junk mail folder. If you still do not receive it a week after submitting Part A, then contact us by sending us an e-mail to (You must list your child’s name, region, city, school, and parent's username in the request)
Q10 I had trouble submitting PART B.
A10 Please do not call our main number even if you have a problem with a failed submission. We are expecting tremendous volumes and would appreciate the queries be limited to those that are absolutely necessary.
Q11 I have submitted PART B. How soon will I know if my essay has been selected.
A11 The first round where 160 essays are selected from across India will be known and posted to the updates page on the 1st of August. If your child’s essay is selected, you will be notified immediately for verification and authentification.

After 1st August, the essays are read by the panelists and voted on. *Regional winners” are chosen and 2 Grand Prize winners are chosen from among the eight.
Q12 Where will the results be posted?
A12 We will post the top 40 selected essays to the “Updates” page, before they go for final round judging. The winners will also get posted to the page as soon as it’s possible
Q13 When will the results be posted?
A13 The top 40 selected essays will get posted on August 20th, 2008
The 8 regional winners and two grand prize winners will be announced online on the 27th August, 2008.
Q14 Who should I call if my child’s essay has been posted as ‘selected’?
A14 If we haven’t contacted you already, please contact our main office number, or send an e-mail to