...What you drink is as important as what you eat. Too much caffeine can contribute to anxiety, mood swings and nervousness.Every time you eat/starve when you are not hungry, you are fighting your body to suppress negative feelings, which will in turn, make you eat/starve more. It can turn into a vicious cycle.
We recommend five basic comfort foods/ fluids that can alter your moods to make you feel more relaxed and positive, and may help alter your mood:
Complex carbohydrates: Eating carbohydrates trigger the release of insulin into your bloodstream, triggering certain chemicals in the brain, which in turn get converted to serotonin. Serotonin is an important regulating chemical in the nervous system that can impact your sleep patterns, appetite, mood - such as produce a sense of calm, while relaxing you.
Protein makes you alert! High protein foods like fish (specially salmon), poultry, meat, eggs, legumes, cheese, milk, tofu (soya paneer), give out tyrosine which will increase the production of dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine, chemicals known to increase levels of alertness and energy. Nuts like walnuts & pistachios also help a great deal!
Folate helps fights depression: Spinach and other dark leafy greens, Lima beans, etc containing folic acid help bring serotonin levels back up to normal. As little as 200 micrograms is enough to relieve the depression - Get it from a cup of cooked spinach or a glass of orange juice.
Dark chocolate. That's right, chocolate! Cocoa in chocolates releases endorphins, which can uplift your mood. The higher the content of cocoa, the better you feel. Grab your dose of `dark' chocolates to feel happy.
Water: At least eight glasses everyday can pull you out of your fatigue. So, reach out for plain, chilled water.
If you feel you are in the Doldrums and feeling low, then stay away from alcohol, refined/ processed foods, sugary foods, high-fat foods and too much coffee (More than 2-3 cups a day can cause you to drop like a ton of bricks!)
To sum it up, eat a natural diet that has as little man-made/ processed foods as possible. Opt for fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, low-fat milk, eggs and other wholesome healthy foods to feel lighter and happier.
By, The Dietetic Team @ NutritionVista.comDisclaimer: If your depression is life threatening, or lasts a couple of weeks, have a thorough physical check up by a psychiatrist who knows what to look for. Never self-prescribe antidepressant drugs for your self or recommend them to anyone else. Depression is a serious condition, and must be treated by a physician.
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