What is the NutritionVista Cancer symptoms tracker? |
It is an online tool that can help you track the readings of your symptoms as they
occur on a day-to-day basis. |
It also helps you track when and how your symptoms develop and then go away, as
well as help you note down all the minute symptomatic details that may be triggered
between your visits to the doctor, and during the treatment cycles. |
The notes section ensures that you do not forget anything when you next talk to
your doctor. |
Though we are providing you with a useful tool, we must recommend that if any particular
symptom is new or appears to get worse, you immediately seek help from your oncologist. |
Your symptoms are saved for each day you enter them. |
You also have the ability to e-mail your report on either a weekly or monthly basis
to your oncologist, so that he may guide you and ensure your treatment is optimized. |
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