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Top 10 tips on How to Control Blood Sugar and Manage Diabetes

Below are a few tips on how to control your blood sugar levels and manage your diabetes. Just making slight changes to your diet, meal times, portion sizes, exercise factors and enhancing the nutritional quality of the foods you eat will help you better manage your condition.


Use these diabetes management tips to prevent major dips in your blood glucose and energy levels.

  • Maintain your weight
  • Eat balanced & variety of foods everyday. Do not skip meals. Avoid snacks, Don't over eat.
  • Eat foods rich in fiber (20 to 35 grams per day). Fruits and vegetables provide good amounts of fiber.
  • Eat light food, avoid processed foods. Stay away from desserts and sugary drinks that have empty calories.
  • Maintain a regular exercise schedule. Do not eat immediately after exercise
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol
  • Maintain regular meal timings
  • Eat recommended amounts at regular & fixed intervals
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Match your mealtime schedule to your insulin schedule as explained by your doctor or the diabetes nurse.
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Top 10 Foods for Diabetics

What you eat directly impacts your glucose levels. To prevent large swings in glucose levels as well as to eat a nutrient rich diet, go for these Top 10 foods for diabetics.

Top 10 Foods for Diabetics

Recipes for Diabetics

Chickpea & Walnut Combi-Dombi Salad Chickpea & Walnut Combi-Dombi Salad
Hey Kids,You will absolutely love this tangy s...
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Health Solutions | In Depth Coverage provides web-based nutrition tools and services that enable consumers to take charge of their own health. Our clinical nutrition programs provide online nutrition counseling services for weight-control; nutrition therapy for managing diabetes and cancer and customized menu plans to lower cholesterol. Our online nutritionists provide health risk assessments, diet evaluations, guidance and support to address the consumers underlying health conditions and personal likes and dislikes.

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