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Wellness Articles & Wellness Tips

Online Health Guide and Online Health Information

Your everyday lifestyle decisions have a direct and tangible impact on your health. Our wellness articles and wellness tips section offers you quick tips and easy suggestions on how to recognize early warning signs, keep ailments at bay, eat healthier and live better.

These Wellness articles and wellness tips are on issues we face daily, and they often have a direct impact on our health and performance.


10 Ways to Control High Blood Pressure
Ways to reduce high blood pressure – step by step. Often it takes mini steps in one’s diet and lifestyle to bring about incremental improvements with high blood pressure.

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5 Good Health Tips
Regular exercise is a critical part of staying healthy. People who are active live longer and feel better. Exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight. It can delay or prevent diabetes, some cancers and heart problems.

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Benefits Of Exercise
Physical activity simply means movement of the body that uses energy

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Calcium Rich Foods
We all understand that calcium is important for our body and also that most dairy foods are calcium rich foods, but do we know anything else about calcium absorption, deficiencies, calcium rich snacks or a calcium rich diet

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Check Your Physical Activity & Heart Disease I.Q.

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Eating out & Diabetic - What should I look out for
Whether it's a business meeting over lunch, dinner with your friends at a posh restaurant, or a fast-food meal with the kids, eating out is a part of our lives. We eat out because it's easier than cooking, and it's fun. But is it healthy?

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Exercise For Diabetes
What you eat and when also depend on how much you exercise. Physical activity is an important part of staying healthy and controlling your blood glucose.

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Five Finger Tips For Good Health
Eat a balanced and varied diet that contains fruits and vegetables, bran and other whole grain breads and cereals, beans, dried plums and nuts.

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I am a Vegetarian - How can I ensure I am getting adequate nutrition
A vegetarian diet focuses on plants for food. These include fruits, vegetables, dried beans and peas, grains, seeds and nuts. There is no single type of vegetarian diet.

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Lifestyle - Move it or Lose it
Reduces the risk of heart disease by improving blood circulation throughout the body

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Lifestyle - Yoga
Yoga means unity and signifies oneness. Through yoga exercises, participants can stretch and strengthen muscles, loosen joints and tone internal organs while focusing on breathing.

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Measure Yourself on the "Richter Scale" Acid Test
What are the chances that it is something more serious? A panel of experts from the American College of Gastroenterology developed a self-test to help gauge the severity of heartburn problems.

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Risk Factors Of Stroke
Many factors can increase your risk of a stroke. A number of these factors can also increase your chances of having a heart attack.

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Stroke Symptoms - Learn To Recognize A Stroke
Stroke is a medical emergency. Know these warning signs of stroke and teach them to others.

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The Importance of Breakfast - The Intelligent Meal
Breakfast not only starts your day off right, but also lays the foundation for lifelong health benefits.

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The Importance Of Salt In Diet
High levels of salt can cause you to develop hypertension, very low levels can critically affect your heart.

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Ways To Reduce Cholesterol
Besides avoiding high-sodium foods, people with heart failure should limit their intake of saturated fat and cholesterol. Eating too much saturated fat and cholesterol raises blood cholesterol, and high blood cholesterol is a major risk factor for developing other types of heart disease, including coronary artery disease, which often contribute to heart failure.

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What Is My Type 2 Diabetes Risk?
Scientists still don't fully understand why some people are more prone to type 2 diabetes risk and develop type 2 diabetes and others don't. It's clear that certain factors increase the risk factors for type 2 diabetes including

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Take Care of Your Heart, Manage Your Diabetes, American Diabetes Association Take Care of Your Heart, Manage Your Diabetes, American Diabetes Association

How To Entertain The Fruit & Veggie Way, U.S. Centers For Disease Control How To Entertain The Fruit & Veggie Way, U.S. Centers For Disease Control

Healthy Recipes From Different Cultures. United States, Centers for Disease Control Healthy Recipes From Different Cultures. United States, Centers for Disease Control

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Antioxidant Foods / Antioxidant Vitamins
Just like rust on a car, oxidation can cause damage to cells and may contribute to aging.

Calcium & Vitamin D - Healthier Together
Adequate calcium and vitamin D are critical to optimize your skeletal / bone health. Calcium plays an important role in sustaining the bone, while vitamin D is needed for the body to absorb the calcium. Hence, both are needed together in the body for optimal health benefits.

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Alzheimer's Disease Treatment
Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia, which is the loss of intellectual and social abilities severe enough to interfere with daily functioning. Dementia occurs in people with Alzheimer's disease because healthy brain tissue degenerates, causing a steady decline in memory and mental abilities.

If you have anemia, people may say you have tired blood. That's because anemia - a condition in which there aren't enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to your tissues - can make you feel tired.

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Health Solutions | In Depth Coverage provides web-based nutrition tools and services that enable consumers to take charge of their own health. Our clinical nutrition programs provide online nutrition counseling services for weight-control; nutrition therapy for managing diabetes and cancer and customized menu plans to lower cholesterol. Our online nutritionists provide health risk assessments, diet evaluations, guidance and support to address the consumers underlying health conditions and personal likes and dislikes.

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