A few significant risk factors for developing oral, oesophageal and lung cancers are:
- Overall quality of your diet (high in saturated fats or sodium)
- Overweight / abdominal obesity
- Chewing of tobacco/ betel quid (paan that contains areca nuts, catechu, lime)
- Smoking beedi's and cigarettes
- Alcohol abuse
A recent study has shown that tobacco chewing in Indian men is the strongest risk factor for oral cancer while tobacco smoking is the main risk factor for developing pharyngeal and oesophageal tumors.(1) Around 85-88% of lung cancers can be attributed to cigarette, beedi or hookah smoking.
According to an ICMR census in 2000 (Indian Council of Medical Research), a total of 41,000 cases of lung cancer were diagnosed in India. 2007 numbers were anticipated to be 60,000 new cases, an alarming increase.
The male population as against female population is more prone to lung cancer in a ratio of 6:1 but the scene is changing slowly with more and more women taking up smoking.
Usually there are no early warning signs and symptoms, only when it has spread all over rather alarmingly that it becomes apparent. If you show any of these signs or symptoms please take them seriously:
• Persistent cough • Coughing up blood
• Chest pain • Hoarseness
• Sudden onset of wheezing • Shortness of breath
• Weight loss and loss of appetite • Fatigue
• Frequent lung infections, such as pneumonia.
Get regular screenings done to detect if any abnormalities are seen early.
However all is not lost if you quit smoking today!!
Passive smoking (breathing other people's cigarette smoke) is equally as damaging to the lungs, eg. Children of parents who smoke are just as susceptible to the hazards of cigarette smoke as the parents themselves.
DIETARY INTERVENTIONS According to the American Cancer Society, the single most important dietary intervention to lower risk for cancer is eating five or more servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Adopting a diet rich in plant sources provides phyto-chemicals that possess health protective benefits.
It's important to achieve your ideal body weight. Both obesity and underweight must be addressed.A balanced diet is very important with special emphasis on certain healthy foods.
Food Groups NV recommends these foods NV does not recommend theseCereals & grains Whole grain cereals Refined cereals
Meat/ Substitute Plant protein with phyto-estrogens Red meat, cured meats, smoked meats.
such as soy products, all beans & lentils. Ham, sausage and smoked fish should
Lean meat, Fish and foods rich in be taken only in moderation if at all.
Omega 3's
Fats & Oils Healthy cooking oils such as Olive oil, Trans-fats & high-cholesterol foods
Safflower and Canola oils. Total fat
intake should not be more than 30 % of
your calorie intake because, be it saturated
or unsaturated fats as both have been
attributed to the development of cancer.
Vegetables & Fruits Vitamin A (Beta Carotene), Vitamin E,
and Vitamin C. Vitamins A and C are
Cancer protective- All types of leafy green
vegetables and other green vegetables, such as
Asparagus, all bean families and bell peppers
(capsicum all colors); Red, yellow-orange
vegetables and fruits, such as tomatoes, carrots,
beets, potatoes, apricots and pineapples, are also
good sources. Fruits such as mangoes, lemons,
oranges, and grapefruit, blue berries, cherries or
whole fruit juices from these fruits are all good sources.
Include a number of cruciferous vegetables, such as
cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and Kohlrabi
which (high in fiber. Vitamin E is found in whole
grain cereals, nuts and beans.
Dairy group Low fat milk is the best and calcium is very Whole milk & milk products
good for smokers.
OUR RECOMMENDATIONS:1. Make every effort to stop using all forms of tobacco and alcohol. This will reduce the burden on your lungs and reduce caloric intake through alcoholic drinks. (Try our
Alcohol Calorie calculator)2. Exercise is a must. At least 30-40 minutes of preferably brisk exercise is advised.
3. Eat better and eat less quantity. It takes a little effort to consciously make the right choices, and control how many calories you eat on a daily basis.
4. Seek the help of a professional to guide you.
5. A healthy life style can potentially alleviate the ill effects that smoking has caused.
By. V. Iyengar,
Online Dietitian NutritionVista.comContact our online dietitians for further information on dietary interventions in the prevention and management of cancer at
Do A Health & Diet Assessment NOW!
Related articles: Top 10 Foods that may help prevent cancer
Men- It's Time To Address Your Stress Male Menopause Erectile DysfunctionReferences: 1. (Znaor, A., et al., Independent and
combined effects of tobacco smoking, chewing and alcohol drinking on
the risk of oral, pharyngeal and esophageal cancers in Indian men. Int
J Cancer, 2003. 105(5): p. 681-6)
2. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci. 2004 Oct-Dec; 46(4):269-281
3. www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/lungcancer.html
4. www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/lung-cancer-000027.htm
5. http://www.cancerhelp.org.uk/
6. www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/wyntk/lung
7. http://lungdiseases.about.com/od/lungcancer/qt/prevent_cancer.htm
8. http://www.medpagetoday.com/HematologyOncology/LungCancer
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