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Hemoglobin Level

The hemoglobin percentage measures the ability of the red blood cells to carry oxygen. A normal hemoglobin range is about 14.5 -18 g/dl for men and 12 -16 g/dl for women. Most people still feel well with hemoglobin as low as 10 g/ dl.

Your doctor will be checking your blood cell count (CBC) regularly before and/ or after a treatment cycle. If your red blood cell count falls too low, you may need a blood transfusion or a heme iron supplementation to boost the number of red blood cells.
What to look for.
New or worsening tiredness
Dizziness, weakness
Paleness, feeling cold all the time.
What must the patient do with low hemoglobin -
Rest up and pace activities.
Tell the doctor if you're not able to get around as well as usual.
Plan your important activities when you have the most energy.
Eat a balanced diet that includes protein (meat, eggs, cheese, and legumes such as peas and beans)
Drink plenty of water every day, unless your doctor gives you other instructions.
What else should the family look out for -
Watch for confusion, faintness, or dizziness.
AND call the doctor immediately if the patient has any of the following serious side effects:
Has chest pains or palpitations.
Has shortness of breath when resting
Becomes confused or cannot concentrate
Has not been able to get out of bed for more than 24 hours
Has blood in his or her stool *
Vomits dark brown or bright red material*
(*The last two symptoms are signs of bleeding, and can cause severe anemia.)
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