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White Blood Cell (WBC)

The white blood cell (WBC) count measures your body’s ability to fight infection. A normal white blood cell count is about 5,000 - 10,000 / cumm. A low white blood cell count may put you at higher risk of infection. You will want to watch for signs of infection so that you can go to your doctor for treatment right away. On the other hand, a high white blood cell count may be a sign of an infection.
If your white blood cell count drops too much, your doctor may put off your next treatment cycle, or give you a lower dose of chemo, or give you a growth factor shot that makes your bone marrow put out more white blood cells.
Patients with low white blood cell count have a decreased ability to fight infections. Neutrophil, a type of WBC is especially important in fighting infections. A shortage of neutrophils is called neutropenia.
Infections can begin in almost any part of your body and most often start in your mouth, skin, lungs, urinary tract, and rectum.
Symptoms of Infection -
Temperature more than 100.5°F
Any new area of redness, swelling, pus or yellowish discharge from an injury or other location
New cough or shortness of breath
New abdominal pain
Shivering chills, which may be followed by sweating
Burning or pain when urinating
Sore throat
Sores or white patches in the mouth
What can the patient do.
Avoid crowds.
Stay away from people who have infections you can catch, such as colds, flu, or chickenpox, etc, or be cautious around school going children who unwittingly may bring home the bacterial infection.
Wash cuts and scrapes with soap and water every day, apply antibiotic ointment, and keep covered until healed.
Keep your body clean by bathing daily and washing hands after using the bathroom.
Wash your hands often during the day, especially before you eat and after you use the bathroom.
Talk with your doctor or nurse about eating raw fruits and vegetables. Some suggest eating only cooked fruits and vegetables until the white blood cell counts come up again. If you eat raw foods, wash them carefully and peel them to avoid germs.
Keep your mouth clean by brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once a day (unless you are told not to floss).
Use a stool softener to avoid constipation and straining to have a bowel movement. Do not use enemas or suppositories of any kind (see section on constipation).
If constipated, see section on constipation. Check with your doctor before using laxatives.
Drink 2 to 3 quarts (2-3 ltrs) of liquid each day, if your doctor approves.
Alert the doctor immediately if the patient has the following symptoms:
Has a temperature of more than 100.5°F
Has shaking chills
Feels or seems "different" to others
Cannot take fluids
Severe cough or sore throat
Redness, swelling, or tenderness, especially around a wound, sore, pimple, IV site, or vascular access device.
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