Lactose Intolerance - Symptoms:
For any indication of LI to show up it will take anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours after the consumption of milk or milk products. The common signs and symptoms seen are diarrhea, nausea, cramping in the abdomen, bloating, passage of loose, watery stools, gas and excessive flatus. The symptoms are usually mild but can get relentless at times.
There are basically three types of Lactose Intolerance:
- Primary lactose intolerance - Decrease in lactase can begin as early as age two in certain individuals, bur normally associated with advancing age, making it more and more difficult to digest milk and milk based products. Premature birth could also lead to LI as lactase enzyme production increases during the third trimester in the fetus.
- Secondary lactose intolerance - could be due to any injury, illness or surgery of the small intestine. It can also be due to intestinal diseases like celiac disease, gastroenteritis and an inflammatory bowel disease like Crohn's or even radiation to the abdomen. Though it could take some time treating, the core condition can improve lactase production and alleviate the symptoms.
- Congenital lactose intolerance - As the name indicates it could be due to hereditary. In such infants there is a total absence of lactase production or activity. Most worrying, as these kids are intolerant even to the lactose in breast milk too and require lactose free infant formula. Certain ethnic groups like African, Asian, Hispanic and American Indian people are more susceptible than others. Around 6-10%of Americans & Europeans have LI but can go up to 90% in certain ethnic groups in Peru.
If your doctor suspects LI based on the signs and symptoms, s/he might ask you to reduce the quantity of milk and dairy foods in your diet. S/he might also want to confirm by conducting certain tests.
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