Are you often tired for no apparent reason and wish you could lie down and keep resting — do you always feel zapped of all energy?
Well, you might just consider getting your thyroid levels checked!
In today's fast paced 24/7 world, FATIGUE is the most common complaint doctors get from their patients!! If fatigue is also accompanied by a type of lethargy or apathy, it may be due to a subclinical condition of a dip in the levels of the two thyroid hormones, T3 and T4 (Triodothyronine and Thyroxin) secreted by the thyroid gland.
The bad news is that if it is not corrected it could lead to increase in blood cholesterol, probably even a heart attack or stroke. If a pregnant woman suffers from hypothyroidism, it could cause both mental and physical retardation in the baby. The good news is, once detected it reversible.
As dietitians it is rather distressing to see so many people complaining of weight gain and inability to lose weight apart from fatigue. They also complain of hair loss, decreased mood and forgetfulness. And yet a routine thyroid test comes negative despite such obvious symptoms. Are we missing something?
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