Women At Risk - Categories
Women are now classified as: high risk, at risk and ideal cardiovascular health.
‘At risk’: greater than or equal to 1 major risk factors
- Women who smoke, have hypertension or treated hypertension, dyslipidemia or treated for dyslipidemia, obesity – particularly central obesity, a poor diet, physical inactivity, family history of CVD, metabolic syndrome, advanced subclinical atherosclerosis and poor results on treadmill test.
- The ‘at risk’ category now includes women who earlier suffered from pregnancy complications like preeclampsia, gestational diabetes or pregnancy induced hypertension. This helps in the unmasking of a system that isn’t working well. This opens up opportunities to evaluate the overall cardiac risk and initiate preventive strategies early.
- The new guidelines also put women who have a systemic collagen vascular disease like lupus or arthritis at increased risk.
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